I obsessed for about 20 minutes this evening trying to find an application on line to see what our future baby will look like. It took another 20 minutes to upload the picture and do all the diddlies to make it work. Here is what our child is forcasted to look like:
I've learned a couple of lessons here. One, this app. sucks. Two, you can't predict what your kid will look like. Three, our kid would look really bad if it was up to someone other than me to make it. Right now I'm glad I'm the one baking our bean and not some application. P.S. Please feel free to laugh out loud.
I feel like every once in awhile Cavory and Linkon look like Mike and I, but about 95% of the time I wonder who their parents are. They truly have a very distintive look. The funny thing is they look exactly like each other...go figure.