What happens when (just two months after meeting) a Baptist preacher's son and small-town pastor's daughter surprisingly discover they've committed the ultimate faux pas? Now it's a journey of finding out what it is to love a little baby surprise and what to do about this new husband.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Since you probably don't know what it means, 'hominy' in Korean for grandma.  Please note that I more than likely spelled it wrong.  When I first began dating my now hubby, I told him I was scared to meet his mum, now Jr.'s hominy.

I think that any sane gal would agree that often the mother-in-law is a fearful and horrible beastly thing.  Well, I was wrong.  Not mine.  My mother in law treats me just like her daughter.  She is kind and thoughtful and helpful and had a lovely heart.  She always speaks kindly and affectionately of her children, me included. 

She is very sick.  So if you are reading please pray for her.  We love her dearly.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cookin Up A Storm

So before I was married and was living the single ready to mingle lifestyle food was not really something I thought about.  On more than one occasion I would eat whatever random item was in my fridge or cabinet... a piece of pita, a spoonful of peanut butter, some random frozen veggies, a box of mac and cheese etc...  Back then it was no big deal and meals were probably the least important aspect of my life.  Thank goodness for the occasional date to give me a well rounded and balanced meal on occasion (with a glass of wine of course).  

Now, however, meals are the one most important aspect of the day and I've found that my life now pretty much revolves around food.  Breastfeeding obviously, but also all the other foods.  All of the sudden, when I got married and had a kid it's like "oh my God, I've got to feed my family well balanced and gourmet meals".  OK, I don't always get it right but we are trying.  For example, the other day I cooked up a delicious Korean dish but added too much pepper.   Boooo!  I hate it when I go through all that trouble and it doesn't turn out as planned.  But alas, I've got about a billion more meals left to cook and so there is definitely time to improve.   Somethings turn out right though...

Berry crisp with blueberries, raspberries and a delicious crunchy buttery topping.  Yum Yum Yum.  I served it with Haagen Dazs creamy velvety vanilla ice cream.  Do I need to say Yum Yum Yum again?  BTW, this only takes 5 mins of prep work and about 40 mins to cook up.  OMG, we have a winner.

I live in the south, so you'd think I had a background in some southern cooking.  Not so.  My mum is from the north, so her version of veggies never included ham hocks or bacon. But I'm southern and proud of it, damn it.  So for the first time ever!  I cooked up some collards.  Did um right with some bacon, but I did drain out the fat in an attempt to be slightly :)  healthy.  They turned out ridiculous.  Good, I mean.  Bacon and butter make everything like 1000 times better.  Right?

P.S.  Sorry for the crappy pic quality.  We actually do have a good camera, but I'm just too spaztic to find it when I'm in the middle of daily life.  Will this get better?  I hope.

Love, Edamummy

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I Had To

If you are an alcoholic, you try and stay away from bars.  And if you are a shop-o-holic you should stay away from stores.  Well, I didn't.  I had to get these.  At least they were at a second hand shop, so they were probably half what I'd pay for them new.  Just doing my part to save the planet---shopping green baby.

P.S.  The Vera Bradley diaper bag in the corner---also a green shopper find!  The best!

Where's Waldo...I Mean Jr.

Jr. has gotten so big.  He's now got three teeth and is eating everything in sight.  He loves yogurt and Korean food...go figure.  And give that boy some rice and he just starts grinning really big and waving both his hands around all excited and crazy.  The first time we gave him hummus at a local Greek restaurant we love was hilarious. Each time he got a bite of it he tilted his head back, closed his eyes and said hmmmm while he pushed it around in his mouth.  I think he liked the texture as well as the flavor.   I think we may have a foodie on our hands.  

Jr. is also crawling everywhere and can pull himself into standing position.  He's discovered how to open drawers and he prefers any gadget over "kids" toys any day.  He will surely be walking soon.  Thanks goodness he still naps extremely well during the day cause when he's awake there is no more relaxing.